Services TLSN Offers

TLSN offers point-to-point(10gig and 100gig) optical wavelength service across our core optical network and multiple connected TLSN Member owned Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) networks. The TLSN Network has numerous POPs equipped with DWDM Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Muxs (ROADMS) to deliver optical wavelength service. Direct fiber access and colocation at our POPs are considered on an individual case basis.

TLSN offers Carrier Ethernet services (10 Mbps to 10 Gig) between all TLSN POPs. Ethernet Private Line Transport (EPLT) and Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) services are provided in the TLSN MPLS network and our Layer 2 network.
TLSN has an Ethernet Network-to-Network Interface (ENNI) with Indatel at their Dallas Rural Ethernet eXchange (REX). This ENNI allows TLSN customers the opportunity for Ethernet point-to-point service from Texas to multiple other states via the INDATEL Network.

TLSN's DIA service (50Mbps to 10Gig) is comprised of IP traffic from our multiple Tier 1 IP Transit connections and direct peering connections with the largest content delivery networks such as GoogleSM and NetflixSM. We provide full BGP routing for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. TLSN can extend IP Transit service to any POP in the network via our MPLS or Layer 2 Ethernet networks.
TLSN also offers DDoS mitigation services to protect our IP Transit customers. If your IP network has been hit with these attacks, ask TLSN how we can help.

Data center connections have become a vital part of TLSN's service offerings. Via multiple data center connections, TLSN has direct peering with the largest content delivery networks (CDNs) such as GoogleSM and NetflixSM. These data center services allow x-connects to most all major carriers and peering content providers.
TLSN operates fully equipped POPs in some of the largest data centers in Texas:
Austin = Data Foundry TX1, 4100 Smith School Road
Dallas = Equinix, 1950 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1034
Dallas = Cologix - 1950 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas = Telx, 2323 Bryan
Dallas = DataBank, 400 S Akard
Houston = Data Foundry Houston 2, 660 Greens Parkway
San Antonio = CyrusOne (connectivity at 100 Taylor)

Data centers in rural locations provide low traffic, low profile locations to store data, provide disaster recovery operations and offer the ability for enterprise companies to push content closer to the end user. TLSN is working with members to provide more edge data centers.

TLSN and our Member Telcos provide the largest coverage for rural cell site backhaul in Texas and Eastern New Mexico. TLSN Member Telcos operate extensive Ethernet networks in their service areas with 24X7 network management and monitoring. Seamless coordination between TLSN and its rural telco members provides Cell backhaul providers a one stop for pricing, ordering, provisioning, installation, maintenance, and monitoring of new circuits. TLSN has the opportunity to connect to the MTSOs via their extensive Data Center Network. In working with our members across the entire network, TLSN offers more boots on the ground in the field than anyone else.